Thursday 16 June 2011

Tips From 5B! - I.H.E.

  1. More pictures (on poster)
  2. Info about WWF
  3. Loud voice (presentation)
  4. Be concentrated
  5. Be prepared
  6. Look at the audience when speaking
  7. Everybody says some info

Thursday 9 June 2011

How many trees get cut down for paper-I.H.E

Very few trees are actually cut  to make paper.
Most of the wood used  for paper is scrap and sawdust from lumber mills.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Does Cutting a Tree Down Release CO2? Yes or NO By Aek

I found  something on the internet.

(The big blue part is CO2)
When cutting  a tree down with an ax it does not release CO2 in a sudden stream.However,trees help adsorb excess CO2 in the atmosphere.Trees store carbon,and they release oxygen into the atmosphere,and also keep other polluntants under control.

Wolf Spiders - Rufaro , Ariane

These large spiders can run fast on their long legs ,
their large eyes help them see well.
Some wolf spiders live by ponds and chase 
insects across the water. 

 Wolf spiders have eight eyes. 
As with all spiders, wolf spiders have eight legs, 2 body parts - head and abdomen (or tummy) - and strong mouthparts.

Body length: females, around 27 mm and males about 19 mm of length.

Ambush Spiders-ARIANE

Ambush spiders live in woodlands.
These large spiders use their strong jaws to dig out soil and make a burrow.

They line it with silk , and make a door from soil and silk.
Then they hide inside , waiting for prey.
They ambush their prey at night.

Monday 6 June 2011

My persuasion-by Lino

Don`t cut down forests!
No forest-no life,
No life-no something,
No something-you don´t want that do ya

Blue Jay Facts by Alek

   This is a Blue Jay.
The Blue Jay measures 22-30cm.
Blue Jay make a large variety of calls that carry long distances.Blue Jays live in trees.The Blue Jays color is white,blue and a bit of black .Blue Jays eat seeds,nuts and also grains.They store food in caches to eat later.

A Short Text About The Woodpecker-Ariane

  Members of this family are found worldwide , except for Australia and New Zealand ,                
  Madagascar , and the extreme polar regions.
  Most species are known to live in treeless areas such as rocky hillsides and deserts.

Our Guiding Qustions by Alek

  1.  How would cutting a tree down cause organisms to change their habitat and behavior? 
  2. How much CO2 gets released  when a tree gets cut?
  3. If we can recycle paper why do we still cut down trees?

Sunday 5 June 2011

Cut Down Forests! and Wildfires! by Alek

See what can happen when people cut a forest down just because they want to make paper or just to make a city!Can't people use their brain first before they do something like cut a forest?

Also when people go camping in a forest in sommer time they can't do a camp fire because if people do a camp fire then probably a WILDFIRE will start !Some  people start a WILDFIRE because they want to!But thats not the only way a WILDFIRE  can start an other  way  is when in summer it's very hot  and dry then also a WILDFIRE can start!